Photogrammetry with IPhone SE

During the course of Reverse Engineering, I completed several photogrammetry project using just my IPhone SE (the old one). Apparently, the output of the process wasn't so bad, which is a surprise considering camera properties and low amount of pictures taken.

I decided to test everything on some street object to proceed with a kind of culture digital preservation.

The first I took one of a city’s water pumps, you can find a lot on streets of Milan in Italy.

pumpcollection I used 209 photos taken in a circular manner around the object. The result was following: pumprender

I used Fologram software to place it near my working place. pumpfolo1 pumpfolo2

And to Barcelona Pavilion of Mies van der Rohe. pumppavilion

The next in line was a typical post box which you can find on streets of above-mentioned city.

This object attracted me with a glass on a background. This was interesting to see how the process behaves. posteboxrender

Not surprisingly, glasses and mirrors are a huge problem for the photogrammetry at the moment. I proved it again scanning my room with a big mirror.

rooppersp room

For the process I used Agisfot Metashape and Alicevision Meshroom. My recommendation is to use Meshrom because it works better, in my opinion, it’s node-based and free. Some models you can find on my Sketchfab.
