Pavel's Web

Currently Solutions Architect at Deloitte-NVIDIA Alliance for High Performance Computing.Focus on simulations, 3D and geometric deep learning.
Working with NVIDIA Modulus and Omniverse.
It helps companies and researchers better understand and simulate real world processes.
Create photogrammetry and neural fields models.
Researched Graph Neural Networks at Deloitte Neuroscience Institute.
Interested in
Physically in Munich, in the Alps or in Moscow.
Telegram channel storing tech links, NVIDIA tools and neuroscience.
Travel around.
Use this to reach me out quickly.
Tools I use
Academic Degrees:
This website is a simple tech blog & testing place to keep up with web dev skills.
Here is my Resume (may be outdated)
Random old projects stored in the list.
Here is my email, if you want to reach me oficially.
If you want to send me money for some reason, use this:
Built this site myself with 💜, Typescript, GraphQL andGatsby.
Based on React.
Here is a full tech stack.
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